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Godwit HD Wallpapers


The godwits are a group of large, long-billed, long-legged and strongly migratory waders of the bird genus Limosa. Their long bills allow them to probe deeply in the sand for aquatic worms and molluscs. In their winter range, they flock together where food is plentiful. A female Bar-tailed Godwit holds the record for the longest non-stop flight for a land bird.

Hudsonian-Godwit HD Wallpapers        Bar-tailed-Godwit HD Wallpapers        Bar-tailed-Godwit HD Images

Hudsonian-Godwit Latest Photos        Marbled-Godwit Photos        Marbled-Godwit HD Wallpapers

Marbled-Godwit Wings        Bar-tailed-Godwit Cute Babies        Hudsonian-Godwit Flying Images
